
a.z "Streamin'"

a.z / Streamin'  (CD:LVCD-013/DIGITAL)
01. Beat 01
02. Beat 02
03. Beat 03
04. Beat 04
05. Beat 05
06. Beat 06
07. Beat 07 (feat.Kan Sano)
08. Beat 08
09. Beat 09
10. Beat 10
11. Beat 11
12. Beat 12
13. Beat 13
14. Beat 11 (Daisuke Tanabe Remix)
15. Beat 01 (Khaosist Remix)
16. Beat 04 (RLP Remix)
17. Beat 14

a.z: One day she got an AKAI MPC2000 and kept uploading songs to her Myspace while thoroughly mastering the equipment. She expanded her connection and raised awareness and became to receive a flood of offers from other artists. She had produced countless songs for wide variety of artists from which she learned to have diverse styles and created her own sound.
Her long-awaited first full-length is now available. After getting huge props in artists community, a.z finally got an opportunity to be heard wider audience.
She creates tracks with only her MPC. Her sound is phat, jazzy and soulful. While a.z takes in various kind of sounds, her base is dope Hip-Hop that influenced her the most.
Since she doesn't care about title of songs, all the tracks are just in number, clearly showing that loop is what it's all about. This album not only shows her remarkable loop music but also has guest appearances by artists including RLP (Oil Works), Daisuke Tanabe (Circulations), Kan Sano (Circulations), and KK (Lo-Vibes) who sympathize with her, making the album further deeper and more colorful. As beat and Hip-Hop scene catch up, a.z "Streamin'" is the must-listen instrumental album.

a.z(アズ)…ある日買い込んだMPC2000を使い込み極め、作り込んだ曲をマイスペースにひたすらアップする事だけで、知名度と交友録を拡張。やがて数多くのアーティストからビートメイクの依頼が殺到。アンダーグラウンドなレーベルでのリリースを含めるとかなりの楽曲を多方面のアーティストに提供。作り込むごとに多彩なスタイルの影響が組み込まれ、現在のa.z独自のサウンドセンスが開花しました。 そんな彼女の待望のファーストアルバムが待望の登場!! 業界でのプロップスの高さだけでなく、多くの一般リスナーの耳に彼女のサウンドが届く日がやってきました。 作曲は完全なMPCオンリースタイル。そのサウンドは、ファットでジャジーでソウルフル…いろんな音を取り入れつつも、根本はあくまで彼女に影響を与えた「ドープなヒップホップサウンド」の魅力に満ちています。 タイトルにはこだわらない姿勢から全て「数字」が振られた楽曲群は、あくまでビートの魅力は「ループ」であることを顕著に示しています。 今作では、その彼女の魅力的ループミュージックの数々に加え、彼女の活動に共鳴するRLP、Daisuke Tanabe、Kan Sano、KKといったクリエイター陣がリミックスや共作で参加。アルバムの彩りをさらに深めています。盛り上がるビートシーンやヒップホップシーンへの魅惑的な投石…

All Beats Produced by a.z
Except "12" Produced by KK & a.z
Keyboard on "7" by Kan Sano, on "12" by PAW
Edited, Mixed & Mastered by KK
Artwork by Kazuya Itou a.k.a toi73 (Stereo Electric)
Distributed by Ultra Vybe

(P)+(C) 2010-2016 Lo-Vibes Recordings
Released in October 13, 2010

Remastered by Khaosist in May, 2016 at LVSL.

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key:Beats, Hip-Hop, Dope, Electronic, Khaosist, Lo-Vibes, Mo' Fun, Dubstep, Grime, Bass Music, Absrtract Hip-Hop, mic.edu, A-Twice, Sensational, Wordsound, ECCY, Candle, PSG, K-Bomb, ARI1010, shing02, Daisuke Tanabe, jealousguy, DJ Krush, Southpaw Chop, K404, 072, Hudson Mohawke, Yosi Horikawa, Luckyme, Repeat Pattern, Quarta330, Hyperdub, Sun Ra, Miles Davis, Psychedlic, Blacksmoker, Evisbeats, Amida, Fragment, 術の穴, Gorge, Skweee, RLP, Cosmopolyphonic, Galapagos4, Rumi, 環Roy, 鎮座Dopeness, 日本語ラップ, J-Rap, フリースタイルダンジョン, 武満徹, Xenakis, Stockhauzen, Noise, Avant-Garde, Prince, Funk, showbiz, J-Dilla, el-p, Japanese, Ableton Live, Waves, Native Instruments, Massive, Battery, AKAI MPC, emu SP1200

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