Lo-Vibes 10th Anniversary / Mo' Fun (CD:LVCD-010/DIGITAL)
01. a.z feat.Key MC / New Decade
02. KK+72 / Chateau
03. KK+K-Bomb / What's Up? (Fragment Remix)
04. KK+RUMI / Dance in the Khaos (Quarta330 Remix)
05. Ari1010 / Lalala (Drastik Adhesive Force Remix)
06. KK+Sensational / Spot Rocker
07. KK / Haruka
08. KK+Shing02 / Lift the Fog Up (Eccy Remix)
09. Dragons of Edin / Rotten Fruit (Wodan Remix)
10. KK+Offwhyte / Pounce (Fulgeance Remix)
11. DJ Ken-One / Lo-Vibes MEGA_MIX
12. KK / For My Lost Years
Lo-Vibes Recordings celebrates its 10th anniversary!
Lo-Vibes recordings launched in 2000 with its first and highly acclaimed release "Vibration Lo" by produced KK. In celebration of our 10th birthday and as the beginning of the next 10 years, Lo-Vibes releases an anniversary album.
In this special album, leading creators of the current beat scene remix Lo-Vibes classics. The remixers include Fulgeance, the top artists of European beat scene, Qusrta330, a genius creator from Japan belongs to Hyper Dub in the UK, Eccy, a new wave of Japanese beat scene as well as members of Lo-Vibes such as Wodan and Drastik Adhesive Force. Watch out how they remix songs that featured super cool MC's like Shing02, K-Bomb, RUMI, Offwhyte and Ari1010 (read Ari Senjuu).
Further more, the album contains brand new songs produced by KK featuring 72 (read Natsu), a young and talented demale MC's from Hokkaido, Japan and the one and only Sensational from Wordsound. Making the special release even more special, it comes with 20-minute Lo-Vibes MEGAMIX mixed by DJ Ken-One.
The vibrations continues... Proud low frequency sound of Japan will never stop.
2000年にKKの傑作アルバム”Vibration-Lo” のリリースを機に旗揚げされたヒップホップ/ブレイクビーツレーベルLo-Vibes Recordingsが活動10周年を迎え、この度10周年記念盤が登場!! 本盤の聴き所の一つは、Lo-Vibes Recordings過去の名曲を現在のシーンをリードするクリエイター陣がリミックス!
フランスから、ヨーロッパのニュービートシーンのトップアーティストであるFulgeance、日本人でありながらUKのハイパーダブに所属する天才クリエイターQuarta330、そして日本のシーンの中心で新しい波を起こし続けるEccy, Fragment、Lo-VibesからWodan, Drastik Adhesive Forceといった面々が参加。料理されるラッパーは、Shing02, K-Bomb, RUMI, Offwhyte, Ari1010と何とも豪華。さらなる聴き所はKKの最新楽曲の数々。北海道の若き天才フィメールMC 72(ナツ)、そしてアメリカからWordsoundのSensationalといった個性派ラッパーとの共作を収録! そして20分にも及ぶDJ Ken-OneによるLo-Vibes MEGAMIXも収録という、なんとも豪華な内容!!
The Vibration continues…日本が誇る低音波動は止まらずに今後も続く。
Edited, Mastered & Executive Produced by KK
Fragment appears courtesy of Subenoana
Quarta 330 appears courtesy of Hyperdub Records
Eccy appears courtesy of Slye Records
Fulgeance appears courtesy of Musique Large
Artwork by Naoki Shoji
Distributed by Ultra Vybe
(P)+(C) 2010 Lo-Vibes Recordings
Released in May 12, 2010
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key:Beats, Hip-Hop, Dope, Electronic, Khaosist, Lo-Vibes, Mo' Fun, Dubstep, Grime, Bass Music, Absrtract Hip-Hop, mic.edu, A-Twice, Sensational, Wordsound, ECCY, Candle, PSG, K-Bomb, ARI1010, shing02, Daisuke Tanabe, jealousguy, DJ Krush, Southpaw Chop, K404, 072, Hudson Mohawke, Yosi Horikawa, Luckyme, Repeat Pattern, Quarta330, Hyperdub, Sun Ra, Miles Davis, Psychedlic, Blacksmoker, Evisbeats, Amida, Fragment, 術の穴, Gorge, Skweee, RLP, Cosmopolyphonic, Galapagos4, Rumi, 環Roy, 鎮座Dopeness, 日本語ラップ, J-Rap, フリースタイルダンジョン, 武満徹, Xenakis, Stockhauzen, Noise, Avant-Garde, Prince, Funk, showbiz, J-Dilla, el-p, Japanese, Ableton Live, Waves, Native Instruments, Massive, Battery, AKAI MPC, emu SP1200
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