A-Shura Beats / antiquity (DIGITAL/LVDD-015)
01. Space Travel
02. Fictional Universe
03. Devildom
04. Brain Waves
05. Chimera
06. Depths of
07. Aromatic
08. Sensorium
09. Sniper
10. Restoration
11. Atmosphere
12. Immediately
13. Guidance
A-shura Beats...from Akita, Japan. Having been thoroughly immersed in the influence of the Dilla generation, he has also been seeking out his own original sounds, and has discovered a spacey, dark and distinctive tones.
The sounds are richly varied, and the groove brings a sense of uniquely spaced rhythm.
Here we see a young creator that must be heard.
秋田の若きクリエイター、アシュラことA-shura Beats。オリジナリティに満ちたスペイシーな質感とぶっといベースを満載した、必聴の一作。
All beats Produced & Mixed by A-shura Beats
Edited & Mastered by KK (@LVSL)
Artwork by Kazuya Ito as toi whakairo
(P)+(C) 2014 Lo-Vibes Recordings
Released November 19, 2014
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key:Beats, Hip-Hop, Dope, Electronic, Khaosist, Lo-Vibes, Mo' Fun, Dubstep, Grime, Bass Music, Absrtract Hip-Hop, mic.edu, A-Twice, Sensational, Wordsound, ECCY, Candle, PSG, K-Bomb, ARI1010, shing02, Daisuke Tanabe, jealousguy, DJ Krush, Southpaw Chop, K404, 072, Hudson Mohawke, Yosi Horikawa, Luckyme, Repeat Pattern, Quarta330, Hyperdub, Sun Ra, Miles Davis, Psychedlic, Blacksmoker, Evisbeats, Amida, Fragment, 術の穴, Gorge, Skweee, RLP, Cosmopolyphonic, Galapagos4, Rumi, 環Roy, 鎮座Dopeness, 日本語ラップ, J-Rap, フリースタイルダンジョン, 武満徹, Xenakis, Stockhauzen, Noise, Avant-Garde, Prince, Funk, showbiz, J-Dilla, el-p, Japanese, Ableton Live, Waves, Native Instruments, Massive, Battery, AKAI MPC, emu SP1200
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