ARI1010 & Eudai Moniaus / Monument (CD:LVCD-005/DIGITAL)
01. 幻夢
02. 偶然
03. Part-One
04. 地獄
05. Part-Two
06. Zero
07. Ent / Play
08. Zero (Instrumental)
"Overload" is included on Original CD only.
ARI1010 from "TENSQRT" , Eudai Moniaus from "Sediments" (Dragons of Edin) . . .
These two extremely unique MCs (from others and each other) have one release: Monument.
Lyrics create dimensions as each punch line gives birth to the next. This one will make your palms sweat.
"TENSQRT"のARI1010と"Sediments"のEudai Moniaus (Dragons of Edin)、 超個性派2MCによる強烈なドッキング盤。あまりにも深い詩世界と火花散るようなパンチラインの応酬に、まさに手に汗握りっぱなしの一枚。
Directed by ARI1010, Eudai Moniaus & KK
Beat Produced by KK (, Mihara (3.5)
Cuts by DJ CMT (1), DJ Dolbee (3)
Cuts & Effects by Dub-Amp (7)
Recorded, Edited & Mastered by KK
1, 4, 6, 7, 8 Mixed by KK
2, 3, 5, 7 Mixed by Takuya Nakamura
Artwork by Co-Head
Distributed by Ultra Vybe
(P)+(C) 2004 Lo-Vibes Recordings
Released in September 4, 2004
Remastered by Khaosist in May, 2016 at LVSL.
key:Beats, Hip-Hop, Dope, Electronic, Khaosist, Lo-Vibes, Mo' Fun, Dubstep, Grime, Bass Music, Absrtract Hip-Hop, mic.edu, A-Twice, Sensational, Wordsound, ECCY, Candle, PSG, K-Bomb, ARI1010, shing02, Daisuke Tanabe, jealousguy, DJ Krush, Southpaw Chop, K404, 072, Hudson Mohawke, Yosi Horikawa, Luckyme, Repeat Pattern, Quarta330, Hyperdub, Sun Ra, Miles Davis, Psychedlic, Blacksmoker, Evisbeats, Amida, Fragment, 術の穴, Gorge, Skweee, RLP, Cosmopolyphonic, Galapagos4, Rumi, 環Roy, 鎮座Dopeness, 日本語ラップ, J-Rap, フリースタイルダンジョン, 武満徹, Xenakis, Stockhauzen, Noise, Avant-Garde, Prince, Funk, showbiz, J-Dilla, el-p, Japanese, Ableton Live, Waves, Native Instruments, Massive, Battery, AKAI MPC, emu SP1200
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