V.A./ Umbruch Selection (DIGITAL/LVDD-006)
01. Alice Keller - Yaka
02. Jack Torrance - Future
03. Wodan - Code Red - Postschaffner
04. Dissamonix - Jedemebow
05. Bulldose - Action Figures
06. Forest Funk - Stampfklatsche
07. Bit-Tuner - Peng
08. Dissamonix - Magmorta
09. Beatnology + Soundiction - Rumourbreaking
10. Alice Keller - This Aftermoon
11. Wodan - Short Groove
12. Bulldose - Johnny Is A Healthy Grown Up Now
Wodan from Hamburg, Germany, had been a member of Lo-Vibes Recordings since 2007. He and his fellow beat makers launched a label UMBRUCH RECORDINGS, and Lo-Vibes Recordings will do digital release of the labels compilation album for the first time in the world.
The album includes 15 songs selected from number of songs previously released mainly as CD-R. All the tunes are produced with incredible quality of sound and will definitely amaze you. Mastering is done by Lo-Vibes head KK.
2007年からLo-Vibes Recordingsのメンバーとしても活動するドイツ、ハンブルグのビートメイカーWodan(ウォーダン)が中心となり,インターネットを中心にヨーロッパ各国で活動する強者が結集し、レーベルUMBRUCH RECORDINGSを設立。CDRを中心にリリースされていた作品群から、この度その代表曲をLo-Vibesがコンパイルし世界配信初リリース!
その各陣のクオリティの高さ,尋常じゃないギラついたサウンドプロダクションの数々は驚異的です。全15曲フル収録。マスタリングはLo-Vibes KK。
Compiled, Edited & Mastered by KK
Artwork by G-Digs
(P)+(C) 2010 Lo-Vibes Recordings
Released December 15, 2010
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key:Beats, Hip-Hop, Dope, Electronic, Khaosist, Lo-Vibes, Mo' Fun, Dubstep, Grime, Bass Music, Absrtract Hip-Hop, mic.edu, A-Twice, Sensational, Wordsound, ECCY, Candle, PSG, K-Bomb, ARI1010, shing02, Daisuke Tanabe, jealousguy, DJ Krush, Southpaw Chop, K404, 072, Hudson Mohawke, Yosi Horikawa, Luckyme, Repeat Pattern, Quarta330, Hyperdub, Sun Ra, Miles Davis, Psychedlic, Blacksmoker, Evisbeats, Amida, Fragment, 術の穴, Gorge, Skweee, RLP, Cosmopolyphonic, Galapagos4, Rumi, 環Roy, 鎮座Dopeness, 日本語ラップ, J-Rap, フリースタイルダンジョン, 武満徹, Xenakis, Stockhauzen, Noise, Avant-Garde, Prince, Funk, showbiz, J-Dilla, el-p, Japanese, Ableton Live, Waves, Native Instruments, Massive, Battery, AKAI MPC, emu SP1200, Germany
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