
mic.edu "Microphone Education"リリース!


mic.edu "Microphone Education"


[Introduction to “Microphone Education”]



彼の遺作、そしてDJ Krushの追悼曲、それらで彼を知った人は彼についての書籍を読み漁り、ちょっとしたラフラトリビュートム-ブメントのような空気が蔓延した時期があった。ただ、、語弊はあるかもしれないが、自分はそれを何かのメロドラマを見てるような気分にさせられていた。なぜなら彼のラッパーとしての本当の凄みを知ろうという空気は生まれないどころか、彼のラップを聴いたことない人すら多かったからだ。

あれから19年経った。当時、mic.eduという若くして素晴らしい才能が結集したグループがアメリカ西海岸にいて、その活動が続いていれば、Souls of MischiefやFreestyle Fellowship、Pharcydeと比類する存在、だけでなく全米全土を代表するラップアクトになっていたであろうこと。ラフラのスキルと魅力的な声はやはり特筆に価するが、その他の2MCの実力も凄まじく、ビートも当時主流のジャジーテイストを基調としつつ、高音のパーカッシブな音の導入やサンプルの組み合わせ方にオリジナリティが見られ、一つのグループとしてもっと評価されてしかるべきであろうということ。ノスタルジーではない。今聴いても彼らの凄みは伝わるはずだ。今回のリリースは、それを伝えたかったからに過ぎない。


(今回のリリースにあたり、共にプランニングし様々なファイルを提供してくれたEric Steuerに感謝したい)

KK the Khaosist (Lo-Vibes)

[mic.edu Biography]

1997年にアメリカ西海岸で結成されたグループ"mic.edu“。天才MC、A-Twiceに加え、Eriksolo、Rüdthe Instructorといった実力派MC、鬼才トラックメイカーQuarterbarらを擁し、彼ら自身のレーベルRocketship Recordsを通して、ジャジーで内省的ないくつかのEPをリリース。 多数のコンピレーションにも参加。アンダーグラウンドラジオでも激しいエアプレイを受けて、高い評価を得た。

グループメンバーA-Twice(Lafura Jackson)は2000年に24歳でガンで逝去。その結果、mic.eduは解散し、EriksoloとQuarterbarはグループMeanest Man Contestなどで活動。(現在もそれぞれ現役で活動中)

そして2019年、ラフラとも交流のあったKK率いるLo-Vibes Recordingsが、mic.eduのすべてのキートラックをリマスターしたアルバム「Microphone Education」をリリース。A-Twiceの知名度先行で見逃されてきた、グループ本来の凄まじく高いクオリティの全容がついに明らかになる。
(Eric Steuer)

key:Beats, Hip-Hop, Dope, Westcoast, Westside, A-Twice, Lafura Jackson, Freestyle Fellowship, Pharcyde, Souls of Mischief, Underground, Electronic, Khaosist, Lo-Vibes, Absrtract Hip-Hop, DJ Krush, Boss the MC, Blue Herb, DJ Dolbee, ARI1010, Eudai Moniaus, Dragons of Edin, Ableton Live, Waves, Native Instruments, Massive, Battery, AKAI MPC, emu SP1200

mic.edu "Microphone Education" out Now!!

New Release!! 
mic.edu "Microphone Education"


[Introduction to “Microphone Education”]
2000 was the last year that Lafura Jackson (aka A-Twice) spent on this planet. It was a meaningful time for me.
His humorous and intelligent character, cooking up interesting ideas and a lot of big plans that we talked about each other. and his all-around fun vibe and positive energy. More than anything else, I think about the many, many silly jokes we exchanged…but that's only my personal memory. ..
This album isn’t like a “Tribute album” to him.

19 years and more have passed since then. And now I'm very excited to be able to bring you this album by mic.edu, the hip-hop group Lafura was a part of. The group brought together the amazing talent of five young guys that were based on the west coast of the United States in the late 1990s. If mic.edu had been able to continue, I personally feel they might have been considered alongside crews like Souls of Mischief, Freestyle Fellowship, and The Pharcyde. While Lafura's skill, unique voice, and adeptness at rapping in both English and Japanese are all noteworthy, the other two MCs' abilities were also awesome. Meanwhile, the beats, rooted in the mainstream jazzy tastes of the era, featured a highly percussive sound and layers of unique samples. All of mic.edu's tracks were hugely original and continue to demonstrate the fact that the group should have enjoyed greater appreciation. This is not a nostalgia trip. The group's skills are totally clear, even if you listen to their music now. That's the main thing I want to convey with this release.

mic.edu's songs were released at the time on scattered singles, compilations, and an EP, but were never issued as a complete album. Until now. This is the first time the complete works of mic.edu have been collected. Additionally, all of the tracks are fully remastered for this album's release.

I would like to thank Eric Steuer (one of the original members of mic.edu, who recorded under the name Eriksolo) for working together with me to plan this release, as well as for providing me with all of the group's original recordings.

KK the Khaosist (Lo-Vibes)

[mic.edu Biography]

Hip-hop crew mic.edu formed in 1997 after meeting at KCSB, the Santa Barbara community radio station where several of the group's members hosted shows.
Over the next two years, rappers A-Twice, Eriksolo, and Rüd the Instructor; producer Quarterbar; and turntablist DJ Lion issued an EP and several singles of jazzy and introspective hip-hop, primarily through their own Rocketship Records label. The group received heavy airplay on underground rap radio and performed live with likeminded acts such as Souls of Mischief and Aloe Blacc.

Tragically, group member A-Twice (Lafura Jackson) was killed by cancer in 2000 at the age of 24. As a result, mic.edu disbanded, with Eriksolo and Quarterbar going on to start the group Meanest Man Contest.

Two decades later, Lo-Vibes Recordings is releasing "Microphone Education," an album which collects all of mic.edu's key tracks in remastered form.
Eric Steuer (Eriksolo)

key:Beats, Hip-Hop, Dope, Westcoast, Westside, A-Twice, Lafura Jackson, Freestyle Fellowship, Pharcyde, Souls of Mischief, Underground, Electronic, Khaosist, Lo-Vibes, Absrtract Hip-Hop, DJ Krush, Boss the MC, Blue Herb, DJ Dolbee, ARI1010, Eudai Moniaus, Dragons of Edin, Ableton Live, Waves, Native Instruments, Massive, Battery, AKAI MPC, emu SP1200