
about Mo' Fun

-about Mo' Fun-
The party launched in 2009 by Lo-Vibes Recordings that have been contributing to Japanese underground hiphop scene.
With its anti-nostalgia and anti-inner circle policy, artists as well,regardless of their name recognition. What matters there is just the quality of music. Unique combination of artists produces an atmosphere.

In 2010, Mo' Fun brought Fulgeance who represents French beat music scene and conducted his first tour in Japan. There will be guest beats music and dubstep artists from overseas in the future as well. It is a party not only for Japanese beats music fans but also foreigners living and visiting here.

KK, ARI1010, Dopant, Drastik Adhesive Force, Kurara, Birdy, Ogiyy, Toi73, DJ YEW, Hokanishi Megumi

-Past Guest Appearances-
Fulgeance, Shing02, RUMI+Skyfish, Nadsroic, Daisuke Tanabe, Himuro Yoshiteru, Quarta330, RLP, ichiro_, Repeat Pattern, AZZURRO, Broken Haze, Nerdz Era, XLII, Eccy, Sauce81, Kan Sano, Monkey Sequence 19, Numb+Saidrum, HAIIRO DE ROSSI, 4ce Finger, Candle, Kiriko, Hisomi-TNP, Tamaki ROY, Kitakantou Skillz, PSG, COW'P, Yosi Horikawa, T2R, Rie Lambdoll, Kleptomaniac, Masaaki Hara, Dai Kurihara, DJ 100mado, Doppelgenger, Osam "Green Giant", Shitaraba, Mori & Agarui and more...

-in English-



偶数月第二土曜日、中野Heavysick ZEROで開催中!

日本のヒップホップシーンのアンダーを支えてきたレーベルLo-Vibes Recordingsが2009年にスタートさせたパーティ。懐古趣味を排除し、最先鋭のビートで熱く踊ろうというコンセプトで、 わずか一年で東京の重要パーティの一つとなりつつある。Dope Hip-Hopを軸に,Beatsシーンやダブステップシーンの盛り上がりにも呼応し、有名無名を問わないクオリティの高いゲストをユニークな組み合わせでぶつけ、ここでしか味わえない空気が誕生している。Let's join to get Mo' Fun!!!


KK, ARI1010, Dopant, Drastik Adhesive Force, Kurara, Birdy, Ogiyy, Toi73, DJ YEW, Hokanishi Megumi


Fulgeance, Shing02, RUMI+Skyfish, Nadsroic, Daisuke Tanabe, Himuro Yoshiteru,
Quarta330, RLP, ichiro_, Repeat Pattern, AZZURRO, Broken Haze, Nerdz Era, XLII, Eccy,
Sauce81, Kan Sano, Monkey Sequence 19, Numb+Saidrum, Ari1010,
HAIIRO DE ROSSI, 4ce Finger, Candle, キリコ, Hisomi-TNP, 環ROY, 北関東スキルズ, PSG, 三千世界,
Shitaraba, COW'P, Yosi Horikawa, T2R, Kleptomaniac, Rie Lambdoll,
原雅明, 栗原大, DJ 100mado, Doppelgenger, Osam "Green Giant" & more...


E-Mail : info@lo-vibes.com

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