Mo' Fun VOL.12
2011.4.9.SAT @Nakano Heavysick ZERO
Val x Ogiyy "Taste of Freedom" Release Party
Live / Val x Ogiyy, Fragment, RLP, Repeat Pattern, a.z, Drastik Adhesive Force & ARI1010
DJ / Dopant, DJ YEW, Kper, Birdy, Kurara, Yagi, Murai, 0024h, KK
VJ / Kazuya Itou a.k.a Toi73
Live Painting / Yohei (Curicopo)
Ogiyy (who is resident live act of Mo' Fun) is releasing debut album with MC VAL in March! This time we're holding that release party!! In addition to Val x Ogiyy's live, Fragment from Subenoana, RLP from Cosmopolyphonic and Repeat Pattern from Gunma are coming along to help out.
A guest DJ performance by the Kper from world famous Podcast "Rhythm Incursion"! Plus, DJ YEW from Kitakantou Skillz who gave us an overwhelming mix at the last Mo' Fun is now a Mo' Fun regular. And Drastik Adhesive Force + ARI1010's sessions etc…We'll be providing the usual extravagant arrangement and cozy. Let's join to get Mo’ Fun!!
Mo' Funでレジデントライブアクトを務めるOgiyyが、盟友MC VALとアルバムを3月にリリース!今回はそのリリースパーティを開催!! Val x Ogiyyのライブに加え、術の穴の鉄壁コンビFragment、CosmopolyphonicからRLP、そして群馬からRepeat Patternといった面々が応援に駆けつけます。
DJ陣は世界的Podcast、Rhythm IncursionのKperがゲスト出演! さらに前回のMo' Funで圧倒的MIXを見せてくれた北関東スキルズのDJ YEWがMo' Funレギュラー入り!! Drastik Adhesive ForceのDJ+ARI1010のセッションや、その他のDJ陣の多彩なプレイなど、相変わらずの贅沢な構成と居心地の良さでおもてなします。Let's join to get Mo' Fun!!
Val x Ogiyy

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